Dr. Stephanie Reed

Dr. Stephanie Z. Reed is an experienced educator, public health professional and equity expert. She is passionate about the health of people who have been marginalized by society because of their race or ethnicity and operates with the belief that everyone has the right to live their fullest life, free of oppression and barriers.
Dr. Reed endeavors to engage and work with any organization that is struggling to understand how to increase its ability to operate equitably and to improve its outcomes, whether it is internal to its organization or with its customers. This can be through program evaluation, outcomes evaluation and analysis, or process reviews.
Dr. Reed received a B.S. in Biological Sciences from Florida State University. She worked for several years in education as a teacher and a director of programs designed to support disadvantaged and underrepresented students in STEM curriculum from middle school through graduate school. Seeking to understand and address health disparities, she earned a Master of Public Health (MPH) in Epidemiology from Florida A&M University and a PhD in Maternal and Child Health with a Certificate in Health Disparities from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. During her graduate career, her research focused on the impacts of stress, racism and discrimination on the health outcomes of women and infants.
Dr. Reed has worked in government and as an independent consultant helping organizations to understand the impacts of their efforts and creating strategies for improvement. She has been engaged by foundations, governments, and nonprofits to broaden and understand the impacts of their work through strategic planning, data collection and analysis, data visualization, qualitative and quantitative evaluation, and survey design. She brings an equity focus to all her work, seeking to ensure process, implementation, analysis, and evaluation are equitable.